What are the symptoms of lower back pain?
Back pain symptoms can vary from person to person, however symptoms may include a combination from the list below:
1/Difficulty moving that can be severe enough to prevent walking, standing, sitting or laying down
2/Pain that also moves around to the groin, buttock or upper thigh, but rarely travels below the knee
3/Altered sensation such as pins and needles, numbness
4/Pain that tends to be achy or dull when resting, but sharp with movement
5/Muscle spasms or cramp like sensations
6/Focal low back pain which can be tender to touch
Back pain is a very common problem, with reports suggesting as many as eight out of ten of us will suffer from it at some point during our lives . Around 5.6 million working days in the UK are lost each year due to back pain, second only to stress .
What causes lower back pain?
There are many causes of back pain, here are a few common ways why pain may occur:
1/bending awkwardly
2/standing for long periods of time
3/lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy objects
4/slouching in chair
Back pain can affect anyone at any age, and can often be the result of a sprain or a strain of the structures of the back such as the muscles, ligaments, joints or damage to the discs. Osteoarthritis or wear and tear in the back can also be a reason.
Most of us know that back pain can be painful and inconvenient, but it’s not usually serious and will often resolve on its own within a few weeks. Osteopaths are skilled at helping prevent back pain from becoming a chronic, long-term condition using soft tissue , acupuncture , manipulation and stretching to reduce pain.
What should I do if I have back pain?
1/Seek professional advice at your earliest convenience
2/Most episodes of back pain resolve in 8 weeks
3/Keep moving (unless you have been advised not to by a professional or your if your back pain is due to trauma)