Painful shoulder?

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons. It controls shoulder movement and also helps to hold your shoulder joint together. When rotator cuff tendons become inflamed or worn, it causes a painful arc or ‘impingement’ syndrome.

Osteopaths or Chiropractors may use different terms to describe the same condition, such as supraspinatus tendinitis or subacromial bursitis.

If you have a painful arc you’ll usually feel pain as you lift your arm away from your body. This may happen because there isn’t enough space for the tendons to pass freely.

This can happen if:
1/the tendon becomes swollen, thickened or torn – this can be due to an injury, overuse of the shoulder (for example, from sports such as swimming or tennis) or “wear and tear” with age

2/the fluid-filled sac (bursa) found between the tendon and acromion becomes irritated and inflamed (bursitis) – this can also be caused by an injury or overuse of the shoulder

3/the acromion is curved or hooked, rather than flat – this tends to be something you’re born with
there are bony growths (spurs) on the acromion – these can develop as you get older

speak to us at the clinic if unsure