When Is spine surgery an emergency?


The vast majority of spine surgery procedures to treat severe back pain and/or leg pain are elective by the patient .However, there are a few symptoms that are possible indications of a serious medical condition, and patients with these symptoms should seek emergency medical care ASAP . These symptoms include:

1/Sudden bowel and/or bladder incontinence (either the inability to retain or hold waste) or progressive weakness in the legs. Either of these symptoms could indicate nerve damage or cauda equina syndrome

2/Severe, continuous abdominal and back pain, which could indicate an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Don’t waste time seeing your GP or Osteopath head straight to A & E immediately if you have any of these symptoms .Often though by seeing an osteopath for conditions like a pinched nerve or disk degeneration surgery can be avoided.

Speak to us if your unsure regarding your Lower back issue