Can gait re training help with knee pain?

Gait re training in triathletes with knee pain?

Gait re training involves making targeted changes to your running style to reduce injury. Research suggests women respond well to gait re training …however whether male or female if you have poor running style you would benefit from a gait analysis with a trained professional. For example if your knees are in the Valgus or “Knock kneed” position or if your gluteus aren’t firing properly exercises can be given to help. The first thing that appears to help from research is using a digital metronome to achieve the right cadence for you. It is easy to calculate your cadence by counting the number of steps you take for 60 seconds … alternatively you can use a Garmin watch. 172 seems to be the most ideal and this can be administered on a treadmill . Nonetheless  often runners change from  ‘heel strikers’ to more  ‘forefoot’ however this can cause issues elsewhere in the body by offloading one joint and loading another. When a gait analysis is being performed in the clinic at Rothery health it is carried out by a  trained podiatrist and Osteopath who will use cues to change trunk position, foot strike/position, contact times and swing path to name but a few……

It is unlikely that one magical cue will work well for all athletes, so be patient and seek the advise of a qualified medical professional.

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